Tabitha Long
6 min readSep 27, 2020


6 months! Six months of slogans we never thought we would hear in a million years: ‘Stay home, save lives’, ‘Don’t touch your face’, ‘Stay 6 feet apart from others’, ‘No mask, no service’.

New words have been added to our daily vocabularies like quarantine, social-distancing, and virtual-learning.

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

We’re being advised to not gather in large crowds. The events and activities we once took for granted like concerts, family barbecues, weddings, baby showers, fitting rooms in stores. Gone! We’re being told to stay home as much as possible with people we realize we kind of don’t like. We’re constantly having to run back to our cars after realizing we forgot our mask.

Avoiding the news because there is no hope in sight, all you hear about is failed vaccine test after test, the United States being the official epicenter of the pandemic, and more lives being lost. It doesn’t help that you are hearing about other countries getting control of this virus or almost completely eradicating it. Soul crushing!

Don’t worry, this isn’t a political article.

In fact, I’m not sure how COVID-19 became about politics in the first place. This is a virus that spreads like wildfire, making some asymptomatic, some extremely sick, and some dead. This is a health crisis that should not be turned into a political bargaining chip. People have lost their jobs, loved ones, and stability. During these past six months domestic violence, child abuse, and divorce rates have been on the rise. This FUCKING SUCKS, but this is our new normal.

The most interesting part of this whole pandemic is that some people have chosen to ignore the magnitude of what is taking place in the country to the point of choosing to pretend that everything is fine. Some people believe our country should go back to the way things were pre-COVID. Small life changes like wearing masks (which have been proven to be an effective tool to lower the COVID rates) are not mandatory in some states. Gyms, restaurants, casinos have opened back up- and movie theatres are next. Yes, people are going back to work, and that is fantastic news! But it makes you wonder- is the dollar bill and the craving for normalcy worth the lives of your neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family members? If we all just accepted this new normal and made the changes that we need to make, our lives would be back to the way things were before COVID sooner than later. Sooner than having to wait for a vaccine.

It’s been a hard 6 months and there appears to be no end in sight. A large number of citizens in the United States struggle with following the recommended guidelines to keep themselves and others safe. It’s hard to stay inside and only connect with friends via social media and zoom, so people are starting to ignore the guidelines by enjoying life to the fullest and just hoping they don’t catch COVID. Well, you can still live an enjoyable, fulfilling life during the pandemic while continuing to safe. If you are interested in doing your part in reducing the spread of COVID-19 here’ some suggestions on how you can still enjoy life during COVID:

Photo Credit: The Loop
Photo by The Loop

1) Wear your mask: I know some of you hate to hear it again, but it REALLY DOES WORK! Here’s a fun fact- I’m sure you are aware of the Black Lives Matter protests that have been taking place over the past few months. The COVID-19 numbers did not rise due to the protests…why? One large reason was that everyone was wearing a mask! Don’t believe me? Check out this article. The number one rule of all countries who have gotten this pandemic under control is to mandate wearing a mask. Think of the mask like a condom -there’s a gooey mess that you don’t want to get out of that condom that could cause disaster …masks work the same way! Keep the mask on to reduce the spread! Remember: you can walk around with NO SYMPTOMS but still spread it through talking and breathing on others and surfaces, so MASK UP, get out, and enjoy life!

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

2) Get out of the house and get some fresh air: go outside, enjoy the parks, go to the mountains, the beaches, the lakes! There is a reduced chance of getting COVID-19 from outdoor activities compared to indoor activities and so, revel in nature… in the natural beauty that God created for us! You can also have (or suggest to a friend who has a backyard…) an outdoor movie night! If you’re tech-friendly or know someone who is… you can throw a movie night in the backyard, grab the snacks and drinks, and enjoy! Theatres are now showing movies through streaming services, so take advantage. Wouldn’t it be fun to kick back and watch a movie with friends under the stars rather than be in a stuffy movie theatre anyways?

It’s getting chillier now which means its bonfire time! Take advantage and have a small group of friends come over, get those s’mores going, and enjoy the quality time together! Another fun activity I have found is social distancing lunches! If you want to see someone face to face but want to keep your distance then connect in your cars! Everyone is doing carry-out these days so just go ahead, grab your favorite meal, park your cars next to each other, and eat in your separate cars while chatting — my best friend and I do this and we have a blast!

Photo by Mahad Aamir on Unsplash

3) Continue to connect virtually: I know! This is NOT what you want to hear- you are completely sick of Zoom and Google Meet! But, it is a great source to connect with people and meet new people in a safe setting. Now that COVID-19 has hit there are so many fun options to participate in on virtually! Again, support the restaurant industry by ordering carryout and tipping, then take your food home and have a virtual happy hour with friends and co-workers! There are a lot of fun activities that have moved to virtual settings like karaoke, paint-and-sips, even Facebook groups that take virtual tours around the world! Check out websites like to find new people to connect with virtually and in outdoor settings. Hop online, Explore, Connect!

If you are completely sick of virtual and outdoor gatherings, then be sure to have a ‘Quaran-team’- a group of friends who commit to only engage in close contact with each other without a mask, or at the very least if you do choose to engage with friends indoors- aim for everyone to wear a mask!

4) Start or get more involved in a hobby (or two): What is something that you have always wanted to do? Welp, the shock is over, and the boredom has begun to settle in for most- time to explore! Start discovering things that you love to do… pick up an instrument, a paintbrush, a camera, a pen, a golf ball, a tennis racket, or whatever you’ve always been like ‘One day’ to and make today the day! Take some time out for yourself and explore something new that you can carry on and enjoy after the pandemic is over!

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

There could be a silver lining in this for you. Yes, this is a scary world we live in …hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives and the country is literally on fire, but if you take steps, get out, and explore safely this can be a time of life-changing growth for you! You can still make new friends, reconnect with old friends, and explore new things about yourself and the world around you! Just be sure to do it safely so this ‘new normal’ doesn’t stay our normal for long.

Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash



Tabitha Long

I love to write about inner peace, self-love, finding joy in life, random short stories, and occasionally stories about my crazy cat.